Emotion-Focused Couples Therapy (EFT-C)
Module 1 met Catalina Woldarsky
We are proud to announce our training program in Emotion-Focused Therapy for Couples (EFT-C), in the evidence-based approach of Dr. Leslie Greenberg and Dr. Rhonda Goldman (ISEFT.org). In this first module, participating psychotherapists receive a 4-day training in the EFT-C model, including discussion of video sessions and guided skills practice.
Emotion Focused Therapy for Couples (EFT-C) is one of the most researched forms of couples therapy. The essential goal of EFT-C is to identify negative interaction patterns and create new, healthy interactions. Greenberg and Goldman's (2008) approach builds on Greenberg and Johnson's (1988) approach. However, it focuses not only on the attachment needs and increasing the emotional responsiveness within the couple, but also on the identity needs, the process of emotional self-regulation and the personal transformation of maladaptive emotions into more primairy adaptive emotions in each partner.
This 4-day EFT-C Module 1 training will cover following topics:
Introduction to basics of theory including emotion theory, and systemic/interactional theory
Discussion of 3 systems (attachment, identity, attraction/liking) underlying couple interactions
Distinguishing and working with attachment and identity
Empathic attunement to affect
Working with alliance issues in couples
Discussion of different types of cycles
Thorough and detailed discussion of 5 stage, 14 step model
Working with emotional injuries, betrayal and forgiveness
As a follow up to this first module, a personal supervision process will be offered for the willing, either in person or in group supervision. In the future, we will offer a second module for those who wish to deepen their EFT-C skills and work towards ISEFT certification (iseft.org/Standards-for-couples).
Greenberg, L.S. & Goldman R.N. Emotion-Focused Couples Therapy. The Dynamics of Emotion, Love and Power. American Psychological Association, 2008.
Target participants
You are a trained psychotherapist, who is working with couples, or you are committed to starting this path. Some training in Emotion Focused Therapy for Individuals (ISEFT) and/or Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (ICEEFT) is an added value but not necessary.
Catalina Woldarsky
Catalina lives and works in Lausanne, Switzerland, as an EFT-I, EFT-C therapist and yoga therapist (catalinawoldarsky.com) and teacher in the counseling department at Webster University. She is an ISEFT certified supervisor and trainer in both EFT-I and EFT-C, and collaborates closely with the Swiss Institute for Emotion Focused Therapy. She offers supervision and training in English, Spanish and French. Catalina completed her doctorate degree in clinical psychology at York University in Toronto (Canada), mentored by Dr. Leslie Greenberg. Her psychotherapy research and has focused on understanding how forgiveness unfolds in the context of couple therapy, resulting in several academic publications (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Catalina-Woldarsky-Meneses).
Arne Heylen
Arne is a clinical psychologist and client-centered, emotion-focused, and existential
psychotherapist. He is a staff member of the postgraduate program for Client-Centered Psychotherapy at the K.U.Leuven (Belgium), an ISEFT certified trainer for Emotion-Focused Therapy for Individuals and supervisor for Emotion-Focused Couples Therapy. He works as a clinician in a group practice in Louvain (Naiade.care) with individuals, couples and groups.
2025, Mon March 3th – Thu March 6th
Welcome from 9:15
Training from 9:30 until 17:00
1 hour lunch break around 13:00 (lunch not included)
This training program is open to an international audience. The language is English, translation into Dutch is provided where necessary. During practice moments, participants can practice in Dutch, and switch to English when Catalina offers guidance.
Maximum number of participants: 25
Oost West Centrum Antwerpen
Van Schoonbekestraat 148
2018 Antwerpen (Belgium)
Host and contact
Arne Heylen
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