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Workshop - Akira Ikemi
Focusing East and West: Understanding Gendlin's Focusing and Asian Focusing Methods.

Akira Ikemi has practiced, researched and taught Focusing for many years, beginning from the time he studied with Eugene Gendlin at the University of
Chicago. His career started as a clinical psychologist in hospitals and in then in corporate mental health. Since then he has moved on to full time faculty positions at several Japanese universities. He has written over 180 articles and book chapters in Japanese and in English.


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Inhoud en werkwijze

The goal of this workshop is to deepen our understanding of Focusing, in theory and in practice, and then to familiarize ourselves with what I call ‘Asian Focusing Methods’, a mindfulness-based way of Focusing.


The workshop starts with demonstrations and practices of Gendlin’s ‘Focusing Short Form’. The Focusing process will be further understood by the concept of ‘Experiencing’, and by ‘Crossing with Animals’, an exercise I developed to highlight Experiencing.


In the later part of the workshop, we will practice ‘Asian Focusing Methods’, which consists of three methods; Kansoho (observing thoughts), Kangaho (aka Kanga Focusing: observing selves) and Blue Sky Focusing. Participants can enjoy both ‘Western-Style Focusing’ and ‘Eastern-Style Focusing’.


Deze opleiding is bedoeld voor mensen die Focusing level 1 behaalden of geschoold zijn in de experiëntiële psychotherapie (CCT, FOT of EFT), integratieve psychotherapie met experiëntiële focus of experiëntiële counseling. 

Akira was named a Living Luminary by the Journal of Humanistic Counseling (American Counseling Association) and is a recipient of the Japanese Association of Humanistic  Psychology Award.

He has also co-authored a novel about hippies traveling in India during the 1970s with his friend Eddy Daswani.

de docent

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Akira Ikemi

is professor at the Faculty of Health and Well-Being, and the Graduate School of
Psychology, in Kansai University, Japan.



Deze unieke reeks van workshops gaat door op 19, 20 en 21 september 2024 van 9u30 tot 17u


Irish College te Leuven.

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700 euro, inclusief dranken tijdens de pauzes en een lichte broodjeslunch 's middags.

KMO is niet mogelijk voor de opleiding.

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